ECR 21 124
ECR 21 124
Sporle, Norfolk: Letter of complaint
[17th century]
A complaint, probably written by the vicar of Sporle, against the farmer there, who purloins the Easter offerings and all tithes due to the vicar, does not repair the chancel and so molested a previous vicar "with counterfeit letters from the counsell and suborned pursivants and by some other wicked meanes that he brought him to extreme povertye and the losse of his lyfe, yf the mans confession upon his deathe bed and the testimonye of some neighboures may be credited. An other vicar being wearied with his wranglinge was constrayned to resigne." "His deputye whom he usethe as an instrument to troble me withall carethe for neyther spirituall nor temporall lawe, he ys thrys excommunicated for contumacye" but "shrowdethe himselfe under my lorde of [Lymsden's] winges."