ECR 25 173
ECR 25 173
Hintlesham, Suffolk: Certificate of findings
27 September 1611
Certificate of Edward Bacon, Edmund Poley, and Robert Rolffe, commissioners, stating that they repaired to Peper Whites wood and found that "there is a waye lyinge betweene the lands of the saide Colledge on bothe sydes leadinge from the saide woode to a comon waye that the leadeth to Hadley and Ipswich and other townes towards the weaste, and that Thomas Tymperly esquier, deceased, father of the saide Nicholas Tymperlye as alsoe the saide Nicholas have assigned and allowed a waye also from the saide woode and way above mentioned lyinge betwixte the landes of the saide Colledge on both sydes to a gate that leadeth throughe the nethermoste parte of a feilde or close of the saide Nicholas cauled Deereblotes adjoyninge in parte uppon the landes in Hintlesham aforesaide belonginge to the saide Colledge towards the southe weste to the Common Reale waye which leadeth from Ipswich to Hadley in leiwe and recompense of a waye which the saide Colledge have heretofore claymed and has from the saide woode as more neare and commodious for the saide Colledge for the sale of theire saide woode to Ipswich and other townes lyinge towardes Ipswich when they have made sale of anye of the saide woode to Ipswich or any of the saide townes, the which waye lyinge throught Dereboltes aforesaide the saide Commissioners by the consente of the saide Nicholas have assigned and lymitted to be used by the saide Colledge from tyme to tyme at all tymes hereafter upon the sale of theire saide woodes for all manner of carriages and provisions as occasion shall require without anye deniall or interruption of the saide Nicholas his heires and assignes."