ECR 26 190
ECR 26 190
Cottisford and Fringford, Oxfordshire: Letter concerning land dispute
25 June 1618
Sir W. Cope, Brewarne, to Sir Henry Savile att his lodginge in Fleetestreete.
"since my comminge downe the goute hath soe soore handled me as I was soe farr inabled to come upp to Londone that I could not goe neither pull one boote or shooe: It is not above one weeke to the assises att Oxon. Thoughe I be caried in a chayre yet I will if yt pleased you attend Mr Justice Crooke theire, for the perfectinge of this busines..."
Red wax seal.
"since my comminge downe the goute hath soe soore handled me as I was soe farr inabled to come upp to Londone that I could not goe neither pull one boote or shooe: It is not above one weeke to the assises att Oxon. Thoughe I be caried in a chayre yet I will if yt pleased you attend Mr Justice Crooke theire, for the perfectinge of this busines..."
Red wax seal.