ECR 26 213
ECR 26 213
Cottisford and Fringford, Oxfordshire: Letter concerning enclosure
17 April 1777
J.R. Greenhill, Cottisford, to the Rev. Dr Roberts, concerning the enclosure. "The poor of this parish have, I suppose from time immemorial, cut furze for their own consumption on the heath: they have a notion of some donation or legacy giving them this right, and fancy it is recorded at Eton. My own opinion is, that they had this liberty originally from indulgence, and may claim it now by prescription, on which account I have proposed allotting them a piece of land, in trust to the minister churchwarden and overseer, to the value of £10 a year; which considering the few inhabitants we have, and that their right is only for what they can bring home on their backs (tho' we always indulge them with giving them the carriage) is thought to be a full adequate compensation. But as I love to give full satisfaction to all sorts of people, I shall be much obliged to you, if you can find among your records anything relating to this affair, that you will inform me of it. They had a notion of a brass plate having been taken down from the church wall and buried in a certain grave forty years ago, giving them this right: but a few days ago I had this grave opened and searched, and they are now satisfied that this was an idle report."
Red wax seal, a classical youth.
Red wax seal, a classical youth.