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ECR 37 053

Reference code

ECR 37 053


Stanwell, Middlesex and Horton, Buckinghamshire: Grant of land and meadow




27 April 1387

Content description

Grant by Alice Foulere to Ralph atte Mylle of a piece of arable and a meadow adjacent in Ruddesworthe in the field called le Morefeld in the parish of Stanewell, to wit in the cultura called Eldrene between the land of the said Ralph on the south and that of Richard Somer on the north, one head abutting on the King's way leading from Stanes to Colbrok and the other head is the meadow which abuts on the land of the said Ralph and on the meadow of John Tanner.
Witnesses: William Thurkeld, John Kynbald, William Cole, John Lambyn, Thomas Langele, John Tanner.
Doubled tag for seal, which is missing.
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