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ECR 47 73 A

Reference code

ECR 47 73 A


Bray, Berkshire: Grant of land




6 October 1337

Extent & medium

1 manuscript

Content description

Grant by John Lovetot of Braye to John, his son, of half an acre and a rood lying separately, the half acre in a cultura called le Crouchfer between the land which John le Muleward holds on lease from the donor on the south and the land of Richard Milis on the north, extending at the eastern head onto the King's way whch leads from Maydenhathe to Wyke and of the western head onto to a cultura called Brendelewe; and the rood in le Suthlongefer between the land sometime of Christine la Wolf on the west and the land of Henry de Bogyndone on the east, extending at southern head onto the land of John Roberd and at the northern head onto the land sometime of Roger le Freynshe.
Witnesses: John de Mereworthe, Henry de Bogyndon, William le Hosebonde, John le Taverner, Andrew le Odeneye, clerk, and others.
Doubled tag for seal which is lost.
[The seal tags of this and the preceding document are attached by string and straw. Endorsed "Coddesforde" in a 16th and 17th century hand.]
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