ECR 52 197
ECR 52 197
Asthall and Fulbrook, Oxfordshire: Particulars and conditions of sale
21 February 1874
2 folios
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Waterloo Farm, Fulbrook, by public auction at the Bull Hotel, Burford.
Lot 1. Purchased by the Provost and College for £2020. Printed form, signed by Clement Pinnell, solicitor for the vendors, and Hubert D Egerton, agent for the purchaser. Endorsed: This is the particular of sale marked A mentioned in the affidavit of George Rawlence, sworn, 23 April 1874.
Lot 1. Purchased by the Provost and College for £2020. Printed form, signed by Clement Pinnell, solicitor for the vendors, and Hubert D Egerton, agent for the purchaser. Endorsed: This is the particular of sale marked A mentioned in the affidavit of George Rawlence, sworn, 23 April 1874.