ECR 52 200
ECR 52 200
Asthall and Fulbrook, Oxfordshire: Letter concerning the parsonage
26 October 1646
Rowland Jones, Astall, to Mr Hayles. "When I was in London some three weekes since, I went to Mr Rouse, and shewed unto him what smale stipend was allowed me beinge Viccar, to write 13 li. per annum, out of which I pay 15s yearely for tenthes; whereas the Parsonage is worth above 100 li. per annum, and desired that either some augmentation by the College might be graunted, or my composition might be restored, estimated to be some 40 li. pounds or upwards; and thereupon I produced a coppie of the first Compostition registred at Lincolne. Upon the perusall whereof, he referred this matter unto your Worppe, beinge one of the bousers... Besides the vicarage house, by reason of the smalenes of the stipend formerly allowed the Viccars, is utterly out of repaire, soe that I am constrained to dwell in another house; and I am certified by workemen that 40 li. will not set it up againe..."
Seal, round, 17mm, a device, a legend.
Seal, round, 17mm, a device, a legend.