ECR 60 06 05 02
ECR 60 06 05 02
Provost and Fellows: Copies of letters and orders
1596 - 1652
1 volume; paper covered, now mostly unsewn, with loose pages interleaved
1. Letter from the Fellows to Provost Rous on Goldcliff, Monmouthshire, 12 February 1650
2. Letter to Sir William Sydley [Sedley] Bt. (d.1656), concerning the lease of Sturminster Marshall, Dorset, 19 August, and Mr T(h)omkins' answer, 1 September 1652
3. Letters to Mr Thomkins and Mrs Waller on the same, 2 September 1652
4. Letter to Sir Edmund Fowell on his rent and on the resolution of the College to renew no leases before they have run for 7 years, 20 November 1650
5. Warrant from the Commissioners of the county of Middlesex to the assessors for Hackney for raising £90,000 per month for 3 months, in which Colleges are exempt from the levy, 21 June 1650; Endorsement noting another copy of a similar warrant for raising £60,000 per month for the next three months
6. Copy warrant from the Commissioners to the Hackney Assessors for raising £102 18s per month for three months towards the total of £60,000 (loose bifolium), 9 September 1650
7. Complaint of the College to the assessors for the army at Eton that they have been rated above their due proportion. Draft, signed by William Russell, Robert Aldridge and John Greene, 16 September 1650
8. Fair copy of 7
9. Letter to the tenants of Weedon Bec, Northamptonshire, concerning the raising of the rate for payment for sheep due under their leases. Note that similar letters were sent, to tenants of Bloxham, Oxfordshire and Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire, 1 November 1650
10. Letter to the tenants of Tew Parva, Oxfordshire, concerning the raising of the rate for payment for sheep and demanding an allowance for 7 men and their horses for 2 days and night at the last court there (Headed : a coppie of an other letter about Sheepe), 1 November 1650
11. Note of cost and value of sheep (Northamptonshire or Oxfordshire breeds) delivered to Eton, [1650]
12. Note that the rents for certain manors and rectories (listed) were demanded by the two bursars in the presence of Richard Daniell. Signed by Daniell. November 1650
13. Order made at Audit 1596 on the determination of the value of grain sold; Orders made at Audit 1599 on the Bursars' responsibilities and duties and the entering of bonds in the lease book
14. Orders agreed 9 May 1650 concerning the renewal of leases. The last order is incomplete
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