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ECR 62 346 - 348

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ECR 62 346 - 348


College Accounts: Eton College Receipts




1819 - 1844

Content description

The first of these three volumes starts with 1819 expenditure but thereafter they contain only details of income, with tables of amounts due and received and income from other sources. They do not however include the fines, which were accounted for separately. Tenants' names may be given, usually for the small tenements rather than for whole estates. There are some notes and calculations and the final volume has a summary of receipts and payments 1818 - 1844 at the front. (The heading Rel & Acq probably stands for Reliefs and Acquittances). It is clear that this series continued- there are several references to accounts being transferred to the new book- but no further examples seem to have survived.

For almost the whole of the currency of these books George Bethell was Senior Bursar; they are largely in his hand and his signature appears at the end of the last book, just before the accounts of a Singing Men's fund. This appears to have been used for relieving distress and for gratuities on leaving. Sadly, it does not explain why the fines were imposed.
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