ECR 64 015
Reference code
ECR 64 015
Goldcliff, Coldra, Nash and Christchurch, Monmouthshire: Acknowledgement of ownership
6 March 1526
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
Acknowledgement by Sir William Morgan, knight, vice-chamberlain to 'my lady prynces her grace' [Mary Tudor, Princess of Wales], that Milton mill and 10 acres of land in Radewyk [Redwick] belong to Eton College and the rents to be paid to Eton College.
Signed and sealed by Sir William Morgan in the presence of Master Doctor Denton, Chancellor to my lady princess
Subscribed: Wyll'm Morgan
Seal: dragon
Endorsed in contemporary hand: Syr Will'm Morgan Knyght Coldrey yn Wales pro Collegio Etone
In Thomas Martin's hand: Milton Mill No. 3
In ?18th century hand: 6 March 17 Henry 8
Sr Wm Morgans acknoulegment Imprimis that Milton mill in Coldrey belongs to the College item: 10 acres in Radwyk
5 (cancelled) 6 (subscribed)s per annum he and his heires to pay for certain acres of freehold in Radwike
in Goldcliff & 13s - 4d at the change of every Heire
that the College has 2 acres called Grasshocke mead in the Lordship of Porton
Sr Wm: to pay 10s per annum for a watercourse in Langston more item for a wall 6d
yett after this he turned the water from the mill as appeares by an order of the princess counsell 19 H. 8
Engrossed in Lease Book, ECR 60 LB 01, fol. 178v.
Signed and sealed by Sir William Morgan in the presence of Master Doctor Denton, Chancellor to my lady princess
Subscribed: Wyll'm Morgan
Seal: dragon
Endorsed in contemporary hand: Syr Will'm Morgan Knyght Coldrey yn Wales pro Collegio Etone
In Thomas Martin's hand: Milton Mill No. 3
In ?18th century hand: 6 March 17 Henry 8
Sr Wm Morgans acknoulegment Imprimis that Milton mill in Coldrey belongs to the College item: 10 acres in Radwyk
5 (cancelled) 6 (subscribed)s per annum he and his heires to pay for certain acres of freehold in Radwike
in Goldcliff & 13s - 4d at the change of every Heire
that the College has 2 acres called Grasshocke mead in the Lordship of Porton
Sr Wm: to pay 10s per annum for a watercourse in Langston more item for a wall 6d
yett after this he turned the water from the mill as appeares by an order of the princess counsell 19 H. 8
Engrossed in Lease Book, ECR 60 LB 01, fol. 178v.
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