ED 475 01 01 09
ED 475 01 01 09
Charles Brown: Letter from Mrs E. Whitehouse
Elizabeth, Countess Watersleban, was born in Cracow, Prussia in 1764. Her second husband was John Whitehouse, Rector of Orlingbury until 1807 and sometime chaplain to H.R.H the Duke of York.
26 December 1812
Addressed to Dr Brown at Margaretta Farm, Lynn. Encloses payment. Is anxious for her son who has not yet arrived in England. Written from Orlingbury.
Endorsed: Mrs Whitehouse Orlingbury rectory, inclosing a bill for £16. Endorsed with dates of writing, receipt and reply.
Endorsed: Mrs Whitehouse Orlingbury rectory, inclosing a bill for £16. Endorsed with dates of writing, receipt and reply.