ED 552 03
ED 552 03
J. Duckett: Papers while at Eton
1951 - 1955
Programmes for ECMS concerts, 1951 - 1955; Eton Photographic Society exhibition, 1952; Eton College Film Society programmes, 1952 - 1955; method of installation of the Vice Provost, with Latin oaths to be said; tickets and lists of members for the Scientific Society, 1954; programme for Speeches, 1955; list of members of Political Society, Lent 1955; tickets for AJM Debating Society; tickets for Aeronautical Society, 1953; note of meetings for the Madrigal Club; ticket to magic show featuring Irving Hedley "the modern wizard"; programme for boxing competition, 1954; meetings for Eton College Junior Scouts, Summer 1951; correspondence with boys on concert tickets, folded for delivery by fag; papers of AJM and Warre House, including house list and house newsletter, 1954-1958; letter from RP discussing punishment for vandalism; correspondence concerning school play rehearsals, 1955; invite to lunch from Robert Birley, Head Master, 1955;
Kept in separate folder
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