MS 336 02
Reference code
MS 336 02
Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: Publications by or about John Martin Harvey, with additional personal compilations by Robert Green-Armytage
1899 - 1951
Extent & medium
10 files and 4 items
Content description
A collection of publications with personal compilations and additions, owned by Robert Green-Armytage, by or about John Martin Harvey
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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Number 2 of 8 at this Level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: ‘The Only Way’ – an album compiled by Robert Green-Armytage, MS 336 02 01, (1899 - 1920)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: First edition copy of 'The Only Way', MS 336 02 02, (12 Sep 1942)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: Copy of Parts I Have Played by John Martin Harvey, MS 336 02 03, (c. 1910)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: First edition copy of George Edgar’s Martin Harvey – some pages of his life, MS 336 02 04, (May 1918 - Nov 1919)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: Personal copy of The Book of Martin Harvey with the true story of ‘The only Way’ and other matters, MS 336 02 05, (1904 - 1930)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: Copy of The Book of Martin Harvey with the true story of ‘The only Way’ and other matters, MS 336 02 06, (Sep 1930)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: Presentation copy of The Autobiography of Sir John Martin-Harvey, MS 336 02 07, (Oct 1933)
- Green Armytage - John Martin Harvey collection: First edition copy of Maurice Willson Disher’s The last romantic: the authorised biography of Sir John Martin-Harvey, MS 336 02 08, (1948)