MS 428 02 02 02
Reference code
MS 428 02 02 02
Susan Hill Collection: Copy of Paul Theroux, 'Close friends, women's influence, vegetarian. The Bird of Night', printed in 'New York Times Book Review'
27 May 1973
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
Enclosed with a letter dated June 1973 to Pamela Hansford Johnson
Enclosed with a letter dated June 1973 to Pamela Hansford Johnson
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- Next: Susan Hill Collection: Copy of 'How we met: Susan Hill and Eric Anderson', printed in 'The Independent on Sunday: The Sunday Review', MS 428 02 02 03, (27/12/1998)
- Previous: Susan Hill Collection: Copy of Susan Hill 'Sand', printed in 'The Independent Magazine', MS 428 02 02 01, (20 July 2002)
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