MS 452 07
MS 452 07
Jeremy Clarke archive: Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue (2014)
2012 - 2014
5 files, 10 items
The series comprises manuscript and typescript drafts, printed editions of Jeremy Clarke's collection of poems Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue: 51 poems in the tradition of the psalms (2014) and related papers. Some of the poems became part of Stone Hours (2024)
- Jeremy Clarke archive: Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue: drafts, MS 452 07 01, (2012 - 2014)
- Jeremy Clarke archive: Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue: printed editions, MS 452 07 02, (2015)
- Jeremy Clarke archive: Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue: related papers, MS 452 07 03, (c.2017)
- Jeremy Clarke archive: Psalms in the Vulgar Tongue: Artwork, MS 452 07 04, (c.2017)