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MS 666

Reference code

MS 666


Papers of Charles Kelsall



Administrative / Biographical history

Charles Kelsall (1787 - 1857)


1818 - 1841

Extent & medium

2 boxes and 2 rolls

Content description

A wooden box belonging to Charles Kelsall, originally containing his works (printed books, pamhlets and maps), a number of his personal passports carried with him on various journeys through 12 European countries, between 1816 and 1827 and covering letters to Eton College listing the items, with his comments and his desire that the box be occasionally opened to show visitors to Eton.


Created and owned by Charles Kelsall and deposited in Eton College Library in 1834. Found (uncatalogued) in Eton College Library by Paul Quarrie, some years before 1991.


Artificial order imposed by the archivist.

Associated material

In his will Kelsall deposited the remainder of his books and manuscripts (including sketchbooks, architectural drawings and literary works) to Morden College Archives, Blackheath, south-east London.

Seventeen books and pamphlets (some with inscriptions) originall deposiited in Kelsall's wooden box have been removed and catalogued separately in Eton College Library's catalogue.

Publication note

Paul Quarrie, 'Kelsall's Box' in The Book Collector, 1991, Vol 40 No 3, pp 315-323
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