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MS 669 01 05

Reference code

MS 669 01 05


Grizel Hartley collection: Miscellaneous material relating to Grizel Hartley, collected by P.S.H. Lawrence





Extent & medium

1 box containing 4 files

Content description

This file contains additional material collected by Lawrence during his work editing Grizel Hartley’s letters.

It contains:
- Photocopies of various pictures relating to Grizel Hartley, with selected pictures marked for inclusion in the final publication
- A list of contributors to the anthology of letters, ‘Grizel: Grizel Hartley remembered’
- Grizel’s passport [dated c.1960s]
- A menu card for a dinner given in honour of E.L. Vaughan on 13 July 1939
- Photocopy of Lawrence’s catalogue of G. Hartley’s letters
- Copy of ‘Henry the Sixth: a memoir by John Blacman’
- Copies of obituaries for Grizel
- ‘St Paul’s 1910-1922’ autograph piece of writing by Iona Stormonth-Dawng and dedicated to Grizel Hartley
- Typescript draft of ‘Grizel: Grizel Hartley remembered’

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