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MS 676 20

Reference code

MS 676 20


Lady Diana Cooper collection: Box XX: Letters to Lady Diana Cooper from various correspondents (P-Z)





Extent & medium

1 box containing 36 envelopes

Content description

The box includes letters from:

Pears, Sir Peter Neville
Perowne, Stewart
Pope-Hennessy, James
Poulenc, Francis
Pound, Ezra
Procktor, Patrick
Pryce-Jones, Alan Payan
Quennell, Sir Peter Countney
Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs
Redgrave, Sir Michael
Rothchild, Barbara
Rothchild, Miranda
Runciman, Steven
Rutherford, Dame
Sackville-West, Edward Charles
Sackville-West, Vita
Salisburg, Elizabeth
Sassoon, Sir Philip
Shaw, George Bernard
Shawe-Taylor, Desmond
Sheean, James Vincent
Simon, Sir John Albebrook
Sitwell, Francis Osbert
Sitwell, Sir Sachevercll
Smyth, Dame Ethel Mary
Spender, Sir Stephen Harold
Staerke, Andre de [2 envelopes]
Stark, Freya Madeline [2 envelopes]
Stevenson, Adlai
Storrs, Sir Ronald Henry
Strong, Sir Roy
Surtees, Virginia
Sykes, Christopher
Thorndike, Dame Sybil
Trefusis, Violet
Valery, Paul
Vickers, Hugo
Wakefield, Daphne
Walton, Sir William
Warner, Fred
Warner, Rex
Wavell, Lord Archibald
Waverley, Ava
Wells, Herbert George
Weiller, Paul
Whistler, Rex John
Wilson, Andrew Norman
Wilson, Mary
Wyndham. John Edward
Wyndham, Violet
Young, Francis Brett
Ziegler, Philip
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