MS 678 01 17 12
Reference code
MS 678 01 17 12
Robert McCrum archive: 'P. G. Wodehouse: A Life' research papers relating to Chapters 20-21
Extent & medium
1 file
Content description
Relating to 'P. G. Wodehouse: A Life' by Robert McCrum. This file contains research material for chapters 20-21 of the biography, including notes for the chapters; photocopies articles on Wodehouse written by others; correspondence with those who knew or were able to provide information on Wodehouse; and research notes made during consultation of Wodehouse’s archival material
Notable items in the file include:
Photocopies of official papers and letters written by Wodehouse and others concerning his movements between 1945 and 1950
Notable items in the file include:
Photocopies of official papers and letters written by Wodehouse and others concerning his movements between 1945 and 1950
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