MS 685 02 03 01
Reference code
MS 685 02 03 01
E.G. Craig papers - separately acquired material: Booklets on Edmund Keen, complied by Edward Gordon Craig, part of the Nigel Hawthorne collection
Extent & medium
3 items
Content description
The booklets are contained in wrappers with a label designed by Craig. The contents includes notices and pictures and prints of, or relating to, Kean and his career as an actor. Alongside are autograph notes by Craig abut Kean’s life and career and those he performed alongside.
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Number 1 of 7 at this Level
- Next: E.G. Craig papers - separately acquired material: Letters from Edward A. Craig to Nigel Hawthorne, MS 685 02 03 02, (1975)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
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