MS 707 01 106
MS 707 01 106
Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Miscellaneous letters
1 envelope containing c.50 items
Described by Belinda on the outside of the original envelope as ‘Special Letters’ and ‘Other precious things’, the file contains a small group of letters relating to the lead-up to and announcement of Belinda and Edward’s engagement, a copy of order of service for Belinda and Edward’s wedding at St Martin-in-the Fields, a number of poems in various drafts, mainly in Belinda’s hand but some in Edward’s and various other letters to Belinda and Edward Norman-Butler from various family members of acquaintances.
[Item 108 in Aplin’s initial catalogue – which contains full listing of the contents]
[Item 108 in Aplin’s initial catalogue – which contains full listing of the contents]