MS 707 01 37
MS 707 01 37
Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from Belinda Norman-Butler to Edward Norman-Butler
1 file containing c.100 letters
The autograph letters cover the entire period Edward was in Egypt, Malta and Cyprus during the Second World War. They mainly contain family information, commentary on the progress of the war, and detail of her Cambridge work with the ESU and American officers and troops.
For Edward's letters to Belinda see MS 707 01 32-34
[Item 37 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]
For Edward's letters to Belinda see MS 707 01 32-34
[Item 37 in John Aplin’s initial catalogue]
- Next: Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from Belinda Norman-Butler and Edward Norman-Butler to Meg Ritchie and Billy Ritchie, MS 707 01 38, (c.1937-41)
- Previous: Belinda Norman-Butler archive: Letters from family and friends relating to Belinda and Edward Norman Butler’s engagement, MS 707 01 36, (1932)