MS 710 02 01 01
MS 710 02 01 01
Hardy-Sparks archive: Papers relating to 'The Gob Family'
6 notebooks and 3 envelopes
Manuscript material relating to Nat Sparks' unpublished prose 'The Gob Family' - a satire of the Hardys. The file contains manuscript drafts of the piece (one draft in prose, one fair copy in prose and one draft in verse), and six notebooks and related manuscript notes. The notebooks are titled 'History of the Gobs' and are numbered on the front wrapper. The related manuscript material about 'The Gob Family' has been kept in its original order and division into two files. Therefore there are two envelopes. The first contains Nat Sparks' comments on 'The Life of Thomas Hardy' and his parallels in 'The Gob History', and the second contains manuscript notes and transcriptions, perhaps by Celia Barclay.
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