MS 917 03 52
Reference code
MS 917 03 52
Cazalet family papers: Thelma Cazalet-Keir: 'Politics'
1940 - 1944
Extent & medium
1 volume
Content description
Ephemera, correspondence, photographs and newspaper cuttings relating to Thelma Cazalet-Keir's political career and activities. Cuttings on TC-K's involvement in the evacuation of children from London. Photograph and cutting regarding a mobile canteen that was presented to the Mayor of Islington (February 1941) as a gift from Miss Elizabeth Arden of New York, presented to the Mayor by TC-K. Poem by TC-K read to the Speaker in the House of Commons on her change of name from Cazalet to Cazalet-Keir, with two replies. Poem on TC-K's fine of 10 shillings for exceeding the speed limit. Campaigning on women's rights, the 1944 Education Bill.
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