MS 972 03 03
Reference code
MS 972 03 03
Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Legal statement regarding Laura Makepeace Stephen
1 Mar 1906
Extent & medium
1 item
Content description
Legal statement regarding Laura Makepeace Stephen, daughter of Leslie Stephen and Minnie Thackeray, setting out Laura’s inheritance and entitlements
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Number 3 of 18 at this Level
- Next: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Autograph letters from Augustine Birrell to Hester (Ritchie) Fuller, MS 972 03 04, (1914-1918)
- Previous: Thackeray - Ritchie family papers (Murray archive): Typescript broadcast by Belinda Norman-Butler on her grandfather, William Makepeace Thackeray, MS 972 03 02, (n.d.)
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