Playing Fields Committee
The committee was set up in November 1934 to manage all aspects of the playing fields other than those that were the responsibility of the College authorities. Each year the Head Master was to appoint masters representing the interests of the Amalgamated Games Fund, cricket, football (both Field and association), rugby, athletics and lawn tennis. Particular care was taken to safeguard cricket interests; the secretary was always a dry-bob, grounds used solely for cricket before 1932 were not to be used for other purposes without the consent of the master representing cricket, and the sums allotted to it were safeguarded. Until 1947, when a master took over, the Junior Bursar was Treasurer. The committee ran the playing fields until 1974 when the College assumed control through the Bursary. However, the committee continued to exist and the Head Groundsman was regarded as being under its control, although in practice it rarely met between 1974 and 1979. The papers for 1979 - 1985 have been lost but during this period it became subject to the Amalgamated Games Fund and through that Fund to the Finance Committee and ultimately the Provost & Fellow; it is explicitly stated in 1991 that it is not under the control of either of the Bursars. The committee controls the Playing Fields Fund.
1874 - 1998
In February 1999 James Cook, the outgoing chairman, deposited the minute book and various files which included earlier financial material.
Possibly additional vouchers among the general vouchers.
Typed list
- Playing Fields Committee: Minute Books, SCH C PL 01, (1934 - 1998)
- Playing Fields Committee: C.J. Rowlatt's files, SCH C PL 02, (1934 - 1956)
- Playing Fields Committee: J.N.B. Cook's files, SCH C PL 03, (1984 - 1998)
- Playing Fields Committee: Resolutions concerning the management of the Playing Fields, SCH C PL 04, (1934)
- Playing Fields Committee: Financial Records, SCH C PL 05, (1874 - 1959)