School Fund Committee
The Public Schools Commission recommended the establishment of a School Fund to receive, via the house master, all payments for tuition, and in June 1870 the New Governing Body issued ` a statement of the revenue and expenditure for the year 1869 of the various sums included under the head School Charges'. However, the report on the Fund issued in May 1871 by a committee of masters appointed by the Head Master implies it had existed somewhat earlier. This report makes sad reading. No proper lists of boys were kept, so it was impossible to say what payments were due; the accounts were not audited and the clerk and collector, Mr. Gibbons, had stolen a considerable amount. As a result a Finance Committee was set up to manage the Fund, which was the parent of a number of sub-funds such as the Bathing Fund. This committee's reports give a valuable picture of school organisation and teaching, and prefaced the Fund's accounts until 1939. However, from 1929 there are references to a School Fund Committee, whose responsibilities were the various sub-funds, masters' salaries and pensions, and general education expenditure ie the same as the Finance Committee, although this continued to report on the accounts. In 1951 the Finance Committee was refounded to look at all aspects of school expenditure and report directly to the Provost and Fellows and from then on the School Fund Committee reported to it.
1932 - 1999
SCH/SF contains the actual accounts and associated books of account
typed list