School Doctor
These are the records of Dr John Briscoe, school doctor and a GP in Eton from 1965-1997. The diaries are largely a record of visits and include both College and non-College patients; the first two relate to his practice in Aldborough. A comparison with the records of his predecessors in general practice (MISC/DOC) reveals a significant move away from home visiting. The case notes are private (ie non-NHS) notes kept by him on the boys and their value for statistical and epidemological studies is obvious. Also included are texts of talks and articles on his work as a school doctor and the paper to the Biennial Congress of the European Union of School and University Health is a useful study of medical care at Eton.
1963 - 1997
- Doctor: Diaries, SCH DOC 01, (1963 - 1997)
- Doctor: Case notes, SCH DOC 02, (1965 - 1997)
- Doctor: Off-prints of articles, SCH DOC 03, (1974 - 1995)
- Doctor: Texts of speeches, SCH DOC 04, (1990 - 1995)
- Doctor: Reports by Dr Briscoe on influenza epidemics and the effectiveness of vaccination, SCH DOC 05, (1970 - 1995)
- Doctor: Study on the 1983 Influenza epidemic, SCH DOC 06, ([1983])
- Doctor: Accidents to boys, SCH DOC 07, (1967 - 1978)
- Doctor: Manuscript of talk by Dr Briscoe on doctor-patient relationship, SCH DOC 08, (c.1985)
- Doctor: Account of collision between Colts A and Colts B, SCH DOC 09, ([1960s-1990s])
- Doctor: History of medical care at Eton College by Dr Briscoe, SCH DOC 10, ([1990s])