SCH M 01
SCH M 01
Ascham Society papers
The society for masters named after Roger Ascham, the teacher of Lady Jane Grey, was started in November 1867. At each meeting, a master delivers a paper which is then discussed. The objects were to discuss the theory and practice of education with a view to improving existing methods and also the discussion of literary and scientific subjects with a view to self culture.
1867 - 2004
These include many papers of great interest to the historian of both Eton and education, as papers - especially in the earlier years - covered subjects such as the role of classics, chapel services and appropriate forms of punishment.
Additional items, including a pamphlet celebrating the 200th meeting on 3 June 1901 can be found in the Benson collection (Llb.4.10, 4.11, 4.42). Another copy of the pamphlet is in the Bodleain Library, with a list of those present. Wilfrid Blunt's papers also contain relevant material.
Typed list
Etoniana 114 - 116
- Next: Colonies, SCH M 02, (1956 - 1987)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
- Ascham Society: Minute books, SCH M 01 01, (1867 - 1942)
- Ascham Society: Scripts of talks, SCH M 01 02, (1867 - 2012)
- Ascham Society: 400th meeting commemoration, SCH M 01 03, (5 February 1965)
- Ascham Society: Volume of verses, SCH M 01 04, (c.1884 - 1905)
- Ascham Society: Addresses, SCH M 01 05, (1885 - 1887)
- Ascham Society: Programme of talks, SCH M 01 06, (2020)
- Ascham Society: 500th meeting commemoration, SCH M 01 07, (November 1993)
- Ascham Society: Notices for meetings, SCH M 01 08, ([1990s])