Reference code
Macnaghten Library: Press cuttings, arranged by subject : book reviews
1921 - 1939
Extent & medium
Location of this record in the archive hierarchy
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Number 1 of 16 at this Level
- Next: Macnaghten Library: Press cuttings : reviews of books not ordered, SCH ML 02, (1922 - 1937)
- Previous: No previous sibling at this level
Beneath this record in the archive hierarchy
- Pre-war history, SCH ML 01 01-02, (1921 - 1938)
- Military : general and Western Front. Allies, SCH ML 01 03-04, (1923 - 1939)
- Naval and merchant marine. Allies, SCH ML 01 05-06, (1923 - 1936)
- Air, SCH ML 01 07-08, (1925 - 1937)
- Political and diplomatic. Allies, SCH ML 01 09, (1924 - 1935)
- German accounts. Political and military, Western Front, SCH ML 01 10-11, (1922 - 1923)
- German accounts. Naval, SCH ML 01 12, (1924 - 1931)
- Personal impressions and narratives : Military, SCH ML 01 13, (1925 - 1935)
- Personal impressions : political and diplomatic, SCH ML 01 14-15, (1925 - 1936)
- German accounts. Personal impressions, military, political and diplomatic, SCH ML 01 16-17, (1930 - 1938)
- Financial, economic and control policies, SCH ML 01 18, (1923 - 1934)
- Medical, SCH ML 01 19, (1927 - 1937)
- Miscellaneous, SCH ML 01 20, (1925 - 1937)
- Prisoners, SCH ML 01 21, (1928 - 1934)
- Propaganda, intelligence, press censorship, SCH ML 01 22-23, (1928 - 1938)
- Technical, SCH ML 01 24, (1927 - 1937)
- League of Nations, SCH ML 01 25, (1928 - 1936)
- Peace treaties and reconstruction, SCH ML 01 26, (1924 - 1935)
- Post-war German etc. accounts, SCH ML 01 27, (1936)
- Africa, SCH ML 01 28-29, (1927 - 1936)
- Australia and New Zealand, SCH ML 01 30, (1927 - 1936)
- Austria-Hungary and Balkans generally, SCH ML 01 31, (1923 - 1937)
- Belgium, SCH ML 01 32, (1929 - 1937)
- Canada, SCH ML 01 33, (1925 - 1939)
- Far East, SCH ML 01 34, (1927)
- Germany, SCH ML 01 35-36, (1926 - 1938)
- Greece, SCH ML 01 37, (1922 - 1938)
- Ireland, SCH ML 01 38, (1925 - 1930)
- Italy, SCH ML 01 39, (1923 - 1939)
- Near East : Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, Mesopotamia, SCH ML 01 40-41, (1928 - 1938)
- Neutral countries, SCH ML 01 42, (1927 - 1929)
- Poland, SCH ML 01 43, (1927 - 1939)
- Romania, SCH ML 01 44, (1921 - 1935)
- Russia, SCH ML 01 45-46, (1924 - 1939)
- Serbia, SCH ML 01 47, (1926 - 1929)
- United States, SCH ML 01 48, (1936 - 1938)
- Artists, SCH ML 01 49, (1932)
- Novels and works of imagination, SCH ML 01 50-51, (1924 - 1938)
- Plays, SCH ML 01 52, (1926 - 1932)
- Religion and philosophy, SCH ML 01 53, (1926 - 1935)
- Verse, SCH ML 01 54, (1930 - 1934)
- Verse, SCH ML 01 55, ([1930s])