ECR 01 351
ECR 01 351
Modbury, Devon: Extracts from the Pipe Roll
[15th century]
Extract from the Pipe Roll 1429-30. "In Magno Rotulo de anno 8 Henry VI Devon. (E. 372/275.) John Robbisard, Chivaler, and Adam Priaux, monk of the abbey of St Peter super Dyvam [St Pierre-sur-Dives], owe twenty four pounds a year for the wardship of the alien priory of Modbury, to be held from Michaelmass, in the first year for twenty years, the rent to be paid in equal portions at the Excehque at Easter and Michaelmass, by the hands of the John Rayssh, of Baldok [Baldock], co. Herts. gentleman, and John Fox, of Coppeston, co. Warwick, yoman."