ECR 11 227
ECR 11 227
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of messuage
2 June 1486
Quitclaim by Robert Rede of New Windsor to John Scotte of Dorney, co. Bucks, gentlemen, and William Staverton, esquire, of a tenement in New Windsor, between a messuage late of Thomas Plummer on the north, a tenement of John Perys, late John Philippe, a garden late of John Horne junior, formerly of William Pope, a garden late of John Benfeld, a garden of Gilb. Saxilby, a garden of Richard Skynner and the lane called Tully lane on the south, the King’s street, a garden of John Perys and a garden of said John Horne on the east and Gossewell dyche on the west enfeoffed to him, jointly with them and Thomas Windesore esquire, deceased, by Thomas Rolfe late of New Windsor.
Witnesses: Robert Legat mayor of New Windsor, John Sqwyer and John Pury, bailiffs, John Todde, mercer, two others.
Dat. Windsor, 2 June, 1 Henry VII (1486)
Witnesses: Robert Legat mayor of New Windsor, John Sqwyer and John Pury, bailiffs, John Todde, mercer, two others.
Dat. Windsor, 2 June, 1 Henry VII (1486)