ECR 12 457
ECR 12 457
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of tenement
29 August 1335
Grant by Matthew, son and heir of William de Felleye, of New Windsor, to Richard, son of William de Alkeshull of a tenement with a well in New Windsor Underore between the tenement of William Neel and the King's way in breadth, and between the tenement late of Richard Est and that late of William de London in length.
Witnesses: John Est, John Godefray, Robert Matheu, William Lithfot, Geoffrey Bullok, John le Wayte, Richard Est, and others.
Given at New Windsor Underore Tuesday the feast of the Decollation of St John Baptist 9 Edward III.
Witnesses: John Est, John Godefray, Robert Matheu, William Lithfot, Geoffrey Bullok, John le Wayte, Richard Est, and others.
Given at New Windsor Underore Tuesday the feast of the Decollation of St John Baptist 9 Edward III.