ECR 12 465
ECR 12 465
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of land
5 October 1337
Quitclaim by Christine, relict of John Bisshop of Old Windsor, in her pure widowhood and liege power, to John de Hurtle and Agnes his wife, of all her right in an acre of land in New Windsor lying in the field called Spelthurst between the land of William de Mawardyn and a lane called Pukelane, and extending from the land of the lord of Shawe to the pasture called Portmanlese.
Witnesses: William de Mawardyn, Henry le White, Richard atte More, Hugh Avelyne, Ambrose Bernard, and others. Given at New Windsor 5 October 11 Edward III.
Witnesses: William de Mawardyn, Henry le White, Richard atte More, Hugh Avelyne, Ambrose Bernard, and others. Given at New Windsor 5 October 11 Edward III.