ECR 12 581
ECR 12 581
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
2 February 1372
Grant by John Peyntour, of New Windsor, to Richard Bullok, of the same, of ½ acre of arable land called Seynt Marie Foreland, lying in Underore between the land of Adam Capron on the south and a place called Astworthe on the north, and extending at one end onto the land of Thomas Islep on the east and at the other onto the land of William Grey on the west.
Witnesses: Adam Caperon, John Mathew, Thomas Islep, Richard Capron, Richard Tannare, and others.
Given at Windsor in Underore on the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary 46 Edward III.
ECR 11 161.
Witnesses: Adam Caperon, John Mathew, Thomas Islep, Richard Capron, Richard Tannare, and others.
Given at Windsor in Underore on the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary 46 Edward III.
ECR 11 161.