ECR 12 617
ECR 12 617
Windsor, Berkshire: Grant of land
1 December 1389
Grant by Mary Peyntour, daughter and heiress of Agatha Peyntour, of New Windsor, to John Place, of the same, of a piece of arable land lying in Underor under la Doune between the land of Joan Persshore and the land sometime of Richard atte More and extending at one end onto the meadow sometime of Oliver de Burdeaux and at the other onto the land of William Bullok.
Witnesses: John Pynk, John Kyngeston, then bailiffs, Robert Honeswurth, Roger Ganfeld, William Bullok, Robert Avely, John Towe and others.
Given at Windsor Wednesday the morrow of St Andrew the Apostle 13 Richard II.
Witnesses: John Pynk, John Kyngeston, then bailiffs, Robert Honeswurth, Roger Ganfeld, William Bullok, Robert Avely, John Towe and others.
Given at Windsor Wednesday the morrow of St Andrew the Apostle 13 Richard II.