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ECR 12 623

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ECR 12 623


Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of messuage




6 June 1390

Content description

Quitclaim by William atte Pulle, and Rose, his wife, to Sir John Belyng, vicar of the royal chapel within the castle of Windsor, of all their right in a moiety of a messuage and garden in New Windsor in the fee of Clywar between the messuage of John Brounyng and the messuage of William Fanner and extending from the King's street to the tenement of John Smyth.
Witnesses: Robert Hondesworthe, then mayor of New Windsor, John Pynk and John Kyngeston then bailiffs, Roger Ganfeld, John Place, barber, John de York and others.
Given at New Windsor Monday after the feast of St Boniface bishop 13 Richard II.
Two seals.
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