ECR 12 669
ECR 12 669
Windsor, Berkshire: Quitclaim of messuage and curtilages
6 November 1401
Quitclaim by William Tyler, of New Windsor, to Robert Bourne, of the same, of all his right in a messuage with two curtilages adjacent situated at le Spytell in the parish of Windsor between the garden and hospital of St Peter and the messuage of James Collewell.
Witnesses: Robert Wythele, John Collewell, Roger Smyth, Ralph Spencer, John Scriveyn, and many others.
Given at Windsor Sunday after the feast of All saints 3 Henry IV.
Witnesses: Robert Wythele, John Collewell, Roger Smyth, Ralph Spencer, John Scriveyn, and many others.
Given at Windsor Sunday after the feast of All saints 3 Henry IV.