ECR 22
ECR 22
Docking, Norfolk
There was a small alien priory at Docking, a cell of the Benedictine abbey of Ivry. In the 1441 endowment of Eton College, the alien priory of Dokkyng was granted to the college in reversion. It had previously been granted to the queen dowager Joan. The vicarage of Docking was in the presentation of the College, at the nomination of the bishop of Norwich.
At the hamlet of Summerfield (Southmere, Southmerefield) in Docking there must at one time have been a church or chapel, and the college Fellows often presented one of their number to the parsonage or rectory of Southmere.
At the hamlet of Summerfield (Southmere, Southmerefield) in Docking there must at one time have been a church or chapel, and the college Fellows often presented one of their number to the parsonage or rectory of Southmere.
1479 - 1868
From drawer A.16 alongside records of Sporle
See also records of Sporle, ECR 21