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ECR 25 034

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ECR 25 034


Chattisham, Suffolk: Indenture of lease of pasture





Content description

Indenture of lease by John Beneyt of Chatesham and Thomas his son to Alice Marmyon, prioress, and the convent of Wykes [Wix] of an acre and a half of pasture called le Hollewawe in the vill of Chatesham [Chattisham] adjoining the pasture of the prioress on all sides; and four acres and a half and a half a rood in the said vill lying in a field called le Westfen between the land of the prioress on one side and the land of Richard de Berefeld on the other, one end abutting on the land of the prioress called Mapelenestobb and the other end on the land of the prioress called le Oxeneclos; and a piece of meadow containing a rood and a half and twelve perches lying between the meadow of Thomas Chaumpeneys on one side and the meadow of the said prioress on the other; and a piece of land containing one rood lying in the field called Gernonsfeld between the land of the said prioress and that of Richard Berefeld; and fourteen pennyworths of rent which the prioress and convent used to pay the grantors. From Michaelmas 16 Edward III for sixty years.
The prioress and convent lease to the said John and Thomas an acre and a half called [Hollewawe] lying in Chatesham between the pasture of the said John on all sides; and eight acres and a half lying in the pieces in Southfeld. From the same date for the same term.
Two Seals, brownish red wax, on doubled tags.
(1) Round, 18mm, The same subject and legend as on the foregoing (no.33), but not apparently the same seal.
(2) Round, 18mm. A device, a legend.
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