ECR 26 179
ECR 26 179
Cottisford and Fringford, Oxfordshire: Letter concerning land dispute
15 August 1606
Sir Anthony Cope to Sir Henry Savile.
Sir, I thought good to advertise you that a man somwhat in yeares pretending to be your servant hath bin lately at Cotsforde [Cottisford] whoe hath made such an inquirie of all the landes that I have latelie bought of Sir Rowlande Litton lying within the boundes of that feilde that as I heare he animatethe the tenants by warranty from you seeking to incourage them to enter upon my possession to cutt downe my corneland hath made a great garboile there and disturbance amoung the tenants such as if I did not seeke to appease it will cause much bloudshedde peradventure with the losse of their lives, he was with me uppon Tuesdaye last. I demaunded of him by what authoritye he came thither, whether he had any letter from you or any warrant to authorise him to enter uppon my grownde for that I perswaded my self of your love that you would have acquainted me either by letter or some freindlie meanes assureing you that I would have bin verye readie to hearken to any reasonable motion you shoulde have made wheruppon as I tholde him I suspected that he was not your man nor came not from you. These were my last speeches to him that you and i when wee mette should agree for their is nothing equall or indifferent but I durst referre unto you knowing your uprightnes that waye and as I assued my self your love to me. This man toulde me that a seanight after St Michaels day you purposed to be at Cotsford where I tolde him I woulde meete you for the ending of these things I hope to your likeing and myne. Thus he used me. He returned presentlie backe againe to your tenants and hath incouraged them to cutt downe a great deale of barley which because yt is not ripe it is lost both to them and me. They came with a great companie of riotous manner and unlesse it be for your sake I doubt not but I shall take that course which by lawe I may and shall cause them to repent yt. The corne was sowed peacablie by my brother Litton and the land afterwards and corne allsoe was solde to me. Therfore if you thinke that you have good title to the same lett the same be vewed by indifferent men and I will answere the valuewe of yt if yt fall out by the lawe to be due unto you. Thus desireing your answere by this bearer with my lovinge commendatyons unto you I wishe you well, from Hanwell this 15th of August.
Your very loving freinde
Anthony Cope.
To the right worshipful Sir Henry Savile, Knight, at Merton College in Oxforde, or at Wyndsor.
Sir, I thought good to advertise you that a man somwhat in yeares pretending to be your servant hath bin lately at Cotsforde [Cottisford] whoe hath made such an inquirie of all the landes that I have latelie bought of Sir Rowlande Litton lying within the boundes of that feilde that as I heare he animatethe the tenants by warranty from you seeking to incourage them to enter upon my possession to cutt downe my corneland hath made a great garboile there and disturbance amoung the tenants such as if I did not seeke to appease it will cause much bloudshedde peradventure with the losse of their lives, he was with me uppon Tuesdaye last. I demaunded of him by what authoritye he came thither, whether he had any letter from you or any warrant to authorise him to enter uppon my grownde for that I perswaded my self of your love that you would have acquainted me either by letter or some freindlie meanes assureing you that I would have bin verye readie to hearken to any reasonable motion you shoulde have made wheruppon as I tholde him I suspected that he was not your man nor came not from you. These were my last speeches to him that you and i when wee mette should agree for their is nothing equall or indifferent but I durst referre unto you knowing your uprightnes that waye and as I assued my self your love to me. This man toulde me that a seanight after St Michaels day you purposed to be at Cotsford where I tolde him I woulde meete you for the ending of these things I hope to your likeing and myne. Thus he used me. He returned presentlie backe againe to your tenants and hath incouraged them to cutt downe a great deale of barley which because yt is not ripe it is lost both to them and me. They came with a great companie of riotous manner and unlesse it be for your sake I doubt not but I shall take that course which by lawe I may and shall cause them to repent yt. The corne was sowed peacablie by my brother Litton and the land afterwards and corne allsoe was solde to me. Therfore if you thinke that you have good title to the same lett the same be vewed by indifferent men and I will answere the valuewe of yt if yt fall out by the lawe to be due unto you. Thus desireing your answere by this bearer with my lovinge commendatyons unto you I wishe you well, from Hanwell this 15th of August.
Your very loving freinde
Anthony Cope.
To the right worshipful Sir Henry Savile, Knight, at Merton College in Oxforde, or at Wyndsor.