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ECR 33 130

Reference code

ECR 33 130


Property in Buckinghamshire: Grant of croft




26 September 1400

Content description

Grant by John Collewell, senior, of Cyppenham, to John Collewell, junior, and Joan his wife, of the same, of the reversion, upon his death, of a croft of land called Chalvyngecroft lying in Cyppenham between the grantor's land on the east and the land sometime of Richard Wattes on the west in beadth, one end extending on the land of the said Wattes on the south and the other on the land of Richard Symond on the north in length.
Witnesses: Richard Symond, Reginald Pereye, William Colsull, Thomas atte More, Henry Cobbe.
Seal, round, 18mm, red wax, on doubled tag. A good deal cracked off. A device.
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