ECR 49 240
ECR 49 240
Langley Marish and Wyrardesbury, Buckinghamshire: Various documents
15th century
A roll of 4 manuscripts and 1 folio
Rental taken before Lord Straunge, steward, Richard Hawte, Richard Lovell and others of the Council of the lady Elizabeth, queen of England. 3 May 1469.
Onus of the account of William Langley, reeve, for the year II Edward IV.
Estreats of view of Frankpledge with Court baron. (1471, 6 June).
Particulars of hidage and beaupleader.
Hidage, arrears.
Onus of the account of William Langley, reeve, for the year II Edward IV.
Estreats of view of Frankpledge with Court baron. (1471, 6 June).
Particulars of hidage and beaupleader.
Hidage, arrears.