ECR 54 283
ECR 54 283
Mixed Estates: Minute of College case at the King's Bench
3 February 1774
A volume of 20 folios
Barnard DD, Provost of Eton College, and the same College, plaintiffs.
Bishop of Winchester and Fountain, defendants.
A minute of the College case as set out to the Court (King’s Bench) by Sergeant Burland, with questions of the Chief Justice and Burland’s answers.
The cause is upon a Quare impedit in which the College declare they are entitled to the living of Worplesdon as an advowson in gross, and that the Bishop and Fountain have disturbed them in their presentation. The Bishop claims nothing but as Ordinary. The defendant Fountain makes his title under the Crown and by the Pleadings insists that the right of presentation was in the Crown. The Crown presented him and he was instituted and inducted.
Bishop of Winchester and Fountain, defendants.
A minute of the College case as set out to the Court (King’s Bench) by Sergeant Burland, with questions of the Chief Justice and Burland’s answers.
The cause is upon a Quare impedit in which the College declare they are entitled to the living of Worplesdon as an advowson in gross, and that the Bishop and Fountain have disturbed them in their presentation. The Bishop claims nothing but as Ordinary. The defendant Fountain makes his title under the Crown and by the Pleadings insists that the right of presentation was in the Crown. The Crown presented him and he was instituted and inducted.