ECR 62 303A - 315
ECR 62 303A - 315
College Accounts: Bursars' drafts
1809 - 1899
These volumes are not final drafts, although from 1872 they are signed by the auditors, but neither are they as rough as the bursars' books (62/37-61). They are laid out as audit books but not written by the clerk; /303 and /304 in one hand, the rest in a variety of hands. There are numerous calculations and additions. 62/303-308 are bound in white vellum, and the first of these volumes is smaller than the rest. The first two are untitled, the next labelled on the front in a contemporary hand and with a variety of titles. The remaining volumes are bound in dark red leather with contemporary paper date labels on the spine. The entries become sketchier towards the end of the series.
/303A came to light after the main list had been compiled. It predates the other volumes by some years and is in a slightly different format but as it appeared to fulfil the same function of a preliminary drawing up of the annual account it was added here. The initials of Williams Roberts (Bursar until 1819) appear occasionally. It too contains many calculations and annotations, some in the hand of the registrar.
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 303A, (1809 - 1818)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 303, (1851 - 1857)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 304, (1855 - 1857)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 305, (1857 - 1860)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 306, (1861 - 1865)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 307, (1866 - 1868)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 308, (1868 - 1873)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 309, (1874 - 1880)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 310, (1881 - 1882)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 311, (1883 - 1885)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 312, (1886 - 1889)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 313, (1890 - 1893)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 314, (1894 - 1897)
- College Accounts: Bursars' draft, ECR 62 315, (1898 - 1899)