ED 027
Reference code
ED 027
School bill for Thomas Wood, at Eton 1718-1725
Other Number
Formerly Ms. 408
Administrative / Biographical history
Thomas Wood, 1708 - 1799, was at Eton 1718-1725. He attended Christ Church, obtained a BCL at All Souls in 1732 and became a lawyer, rising to be a bencher of Middle Temple in 1766. He was MP for Middlesex 1779 - 1780. His father was Edward Wood.
Margaret Bush was a Dame at Eton c.1724-1751.
Margaret Bush was a Dame at Eton c.1724-1751.
10 June 1724
Extent & medium
2 items
Content description
/1 Account for the half year from 9 November 1723, with covering letter addressed to Edward Wood. Receipted 6 August 1724. /2 Folded in: a small sheet of paper with a cobblers' bill for 3 pairs of shoes, January to May 1723
Publication note
Published in Etoniana 49, p.779
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