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ED 360 03 06 03

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ED 360 03 06 03


Fanny Keate: Letter from Dr Brown to Mrs Brown




14 January 1812

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Advising Mrs Brown to apply a Burgundy Ptich Plaster and keep it on for some time. The solution of Salts alone seems to operate too violently and produce a weakness and faintness. She should make Senna Tea with bruised Carraway seeds, add Glauber salt and Brandy and keep repeating it until the desired effect is produced. Lots more medicinal advice including saying she 'lives too low' and that it would be good if she drank a glass of wine during dinner and half a glass afterwards. Should not sup but have a glass of wine, with warm water and sugar, without nutmeg or other spices. Should she still be weak and languid she should take Peruvian Bark and infuse it in a pint of wine. If still not better ask Dr Pope to visit. Prescribing at a distance very difficult.
Recounts story of Sir Andrew Hamond. He was in Coventry crushed by the falling load of West Country Coal when the back axle of the waggon broke and it lacerated and bruised him.
Sadness of a man dying of a complaint in his 'Bowells' leaving widow and children in absolute poverty. Dr Brown trying to find a place for little Abraham'
Final line: 'no attack from robbers in the night'.
On outside: Clenchwarton dated Jan 14th 1812
Addressed to Mrs Brown, at the resd. Dr Keate's Eton College, near Windsor
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