MS 430 01 01 04
Reference code
MS 430 01 01 04
Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX D: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (F-K)
Extent & medium
1 box containing 88 envelopes
Content description
Includes letters from:
Forbes, Stanhope
Forbes, William & Edith
Ford, Onslow
Forster, Laura Mary
Fowler, Revd Thomas
Fox, S.H. & A.M.
Francis, R.
Freshfield, Augusta
Freshfield, Douglas
Freshfield, Janie
Freshfild, Oliver
Froude, J.A.
Gaskell, M.E.
Gibbs, L.B.
Gillett, Ada Rose
Gilman, N? R-T
Gladstone, W.E.
Gosse, Edmund – 2 envelopes
Grant, Lady Susan
Grant Duff, Sir M.E.
Greenaway, Kate
Greenwood, Frederick
Grey, Sir Edward
Grey, G.
Greg, Julia
Grove, Sir George
Guthrie, Thomas A.
Haldane, Elizabeth S.
Hale, Caroline
Hallé, Wilma
Hamilton, Lord George – 2 envelopes
Hamilton Opie, J.I.M [?]
Hankey, Henry A.
Harcourt, E.C.
Hardie, Martin
Hardinge of Penshurst
Hardy, Thomas
Hare, John
Hastings, Theophilus
Hawkins, F.Vaughan
Helsham-Jones, A.A.
Henley, W.E.
Herbert, Auberon
Herpin, L.[?]
Hewlett, Maurice
Hichens, Robert Smythe
Higgins, Matthew James
Hill, Octavia
Hine, Jennifer
Hogarth, Georgiana
Holland, Bernard
Holland, Mary Sibylla
Holman Hunt, Gladys
Holmes, Oliver W.
Houghton, Lord (Richarad Monckton-Milnes)
Howard, Sir E.S.
Howells, W.D.
Hudson, N.H.H.[?]
Hughes, W.Hastings
Hunter, Sir William Wilson
Huth, Augusta
Huxley, Leonard
Ireland, Alexander
Irvine, Alice
Irving, Sir Henry
Jackson, Henry
James, Alice C.
James, Arthur Coleridge
James, Henry
Janotta, N.
Jebb, R.C.
Joachim, Joseph
Johnson, Sir Allen
Johnston, Sir Harry
Jowett, B.
Kemble, Fanny – 3 envelopes
Kemble, Henry
Kilbracken, Arthur Godley
Kinglake, A.W.
Kingsley, Mrs. Henry
Kipling, Rudyard
Knight, Prof. William .A.
Knox, Lucy
Knutsford, Viscount
Forbes, Stanhope
Forbes, William & Edith
Ford, Onslow
Forster, Laura Mary
Fowler, Revd Thomas
Fox, S.H. & A.M.
Francis, R.
Freshfield, Augusta
Freshfield, Douglas
Freshfield, Janie
Freshfild, Oliver
Froude, J.A.
Gaskell, M.E.
Gibbs, L.B.
Gillett, Ada Rose
Gilman, N? R-T
Gladstone, W.E.
Gosse, Edmund – 2 envelopes
Grant, Lady Susan
Grant Duff, Sir M.E.
Greenaway, Kate
Greenwood, Frederick
Grey, Sir Edward
Grey, G.
Greg, Julia
Grove, Sir George
Guthrie, Thomas A.
Haldane, Elizabeth S.
Hale, Caroline
Hallé, Wilma
Hamilton, Lord George – 2 envelopes
Hamilton Opie, J.I.M [?]
Hankey, Henry A.
Harcourt, E.C.
Hardie, Martin
Hardinge of Penshurst
Hardy, Thomas
Hare, John
Hastings, Theophilus
Hawkins, F.Vaughan
Helsham-Jones, A.A.
Henley, W.E.
Herbert, Auberon
Herpin, L.[?]
Hewlett, Maurice
Hichens, Robert Smythe
Higgins, Matthew James
Hill, Octavia
Hine, Jennifer
Hogarth, Georgiana
Holland, Bernard
Holland, Mary Sibylla
Holman Hunt, Gladys
Holmes, Oliver W.
Houghton, Lord (Richarad Monckton-Milnes)
Howard, Sir E.S.
Howells, W.D.
Hudson, N.H.H.[?]
Hughes, W.Hastings
Hunter, Sir William Wilson
Huth, Augusta
Huxley, Leonard
Ireland, Alexander
Irvine, Alice
Irving, Sir Henry
Jackson, Henry
James, Alice C.
James, Arthur Coleridge
James, Henry
Janotta, N.
Jebb, R.C.
Joachim, Joseph
Johnson, Sir Allen
Johnston, Sir Harry
Jowett, B.
Kemble, Fanny – 3 envelopes
Kemble, Henry
Kilbracken, Arthur Godley
Kinglake, A.W.
Kingsley, Mrs. Henry
Kipling, Rudyard
Knight, Prof. William .A.
Knox, Lucy
Knutsford, Viscount
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Number 4 of 15 at this Level
- Next: Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX E: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (L-M), MS 430 01 01 05, (1869-1923)
- Previous: Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX C: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (C-F), MS 430 01 01 03, (1882-1921)
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