MS 430 01 01 05
Reference code
MS 430 01 01 05
Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX E: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (L-M)
Extent & medium
1 box containing 80 envelopes
Content description
Includes letters from:
Lacaita, Mary
Lambert, William, H.
Lane-Poole, Stanley
Lang, Andrew
Langslow, S.
Langstow, Beatrice
Laurence, Samuel
Lawless, Emily
Lawrence, Agatha
Lawrence, Emily
Le Breton, Anna L.
Lecky, Elizabeth
Lecky, W.E.H.
Lee, Sidney (Sir)
Lee, Vernon
Lehmann, Frederick and Nina
Lehmann, Rosamond
Leighton, Lord
Le Sage, A.
Leslie, Lady Constance
Liddell, A.F.[?]
Liddell, Emily
Lightfoot, J.B.
Lincoln, Ivy
Lind, Jenny
Llewelyn Davies, J.
Loch, Mary D.
Locker, Frederick
Locker-Lampson, F.
Lockyer, Sir J. Norman
Logan, Miss E.E.
Longfellow, W.H.
Loppé, Gabriel
Louise, Princess
Low, M.
Lowell, James Russel
Lubbock, Sir John
Lucas, E.V.
Lucas, Isabel D.
Lushington, Edward
Lushington, Vernon
Lyall, Sir Alfred
Lyall, Sir Charles
Lyttelton, Edward
MacCarthy, Desmond
MacColl, D.
McCarthy, Justin
McCrae, Georgina
MacDonald, George
Mackail, Mrs. Margaret
Mackenzie, Compton
Macmillan, Alexander
Macmillan, Frederick
Macready, William Charles
Maitland, Emily
Maitland, J.A. Fuller
Maitland, F.W.
Marcel, E.
Marks. J.G.
Marochetti, Carlo
Marshal, V.[?]
Martin, Lady (Helena Faucit)
Martin, Sir Theodore – 2 envelopes
Mary, Queen (wife of King George V)
Masefield, John
Meredith, George
Merivale, Herman – 2 envelopes
Merriman, John J.
Middleton, B.
Millais, J.E.
Millais, Mary
Milnes-Gaskell, Charles
Milsand, Joesph
Monteagle, Lord
Moore, Richmond
Morgan, Mrs. Pierpont
Morley, John
Lacaita, Mary
Lambert, William, H.
Lane-Poole, Stanley
Lang, Andrew
Langslow, S.
Langstow, Beatrice
Laurence, Samuel
Lawless, Emily
Lawrence, Agatha
Lawrence, Emily
Le Breton, Anna L.
Lecky, Elizabeth
Lecky, W.E.H.
Lee, Sidney (Sir)
Lee, Vernon
Lehmann, Frederick and Nina
Lehmann, Rosamond
Leighton, Lord
Le Sage, A.
Leslie, Lady Constance
Liddell, A.F.[?]
Liddell, Emily
Lightfoot, J.B.
Lincoln, Ivy
Lind, Jenny
Llewelyn Davies, J.
Loch, Mary D.
Locker, Frederick
Locker-Lampson, F.
Lockyer, Sir J. Norman
Logan, Miss E.E.
Longfellow, W.H.
Loppé, Gabriel
Louise, Princess
Low, M.
Lowell, James Russel
Lubbock, Sir John
Lucas, E.V.
Lucas, Isabel D.
Lushington, Edward
Lushington, Vernon
Lyall, Sir Alfred
Lyall, Sir Charles
Lyttelton, Edward
MacCarthy, Desmond
MacColl, D.
McCarthy, Justin
McCrae, Georgina
MacDonald, George
Mackail, Mrs. Margaret
Mackenzie, Compton
Macmillan, Alexander
Macmillan, Frederick
Macready, William Charles
Maitland, Emily
Maitland, J.A. Fuller
Maitland, F.W.
Marcel, E.
Marks. J.G.
Marochetti, Carlo
Marshal, V.[?]
Martin, Lady (Helena Faucit)
Martin, Sir Theodore – 2 envelopes
Mary, Queen (wife of King George V)
Masefield, John
Meredith, George
Merivale, Herman – 2 envelopes
Merriman, John J.
Middleton, B.
Millais, J.E.
Millais, Mary
Milnes-Gaskell, Charles
Milsand, Joesph
Monteagle, Lord
Moore, Richmond
Morgan, Mrs. Pierpont
Morley, John
Finding aids
PDF transcript of the letters from Joseph Milsand is available
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Number 5 of 15 at this Level
- Next: Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX F: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (M-R), MS 430 01 01 06, (1863-1904)
- Previous: Anne Thackeray Ritchie collection: BOX D: Letters to Anne Thackeray Ritchie and others from various correspondents (F-K), MS 430 01 01 04, (1889-1921)
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